Monday, March 21, 2016

Cameroon Diary #2: Joschka Beck

The heat was brutal during the Tour du Cameroun. Between that and battling the Moroccans and Cameroonians who were able to acclimate to it much faster, it was a tough race. They ride and attack one after another and we find it challenging to keep up with them in the race. You find yourself thinking about how they would be able to adapt in Germany, in the snow.
Racing here is a lot different than anywhere else in the world . Stage 3 was the longest stage of the program, 177km. Without more topographic difficulties it was still a hard race. It’s not about tactics, it’s about going full throttle and giving it all that you have for hours in the heat . After 2 hours of barely reaching the half way point your legs are noticeably tried but you have to continue to attack.

We tried to stay up with the leaders but it wasn’t going to be easy. In the final, we went to the city of Douola and it began to rain and you had to stick to slippery roads very carefully because of all the construction sites all around. Daniel and Amanuel did a great job in the field sprint. It actually is funny that Amanuel is here with the sprint when he is actually considered one of the best climbers but he always manages to come stay up no matter the circumstances. 

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