Monday, April 24, 2017

Fastest Guy at USA Crit Speed Week 2017

Fastest guy at usacrit speed week 2017 

@florenz89 @stradalli_cycle@stradallicycle @nowhelmet @safettiusa@officialmetrx @usacycling @usacrits@fsa @prologo.official #usacritracing#cycling #jersey #racefororange#raceforblue #sanremo #fun

How Can German Sprinter Wear 3 Jerseys?

QUESTION??? How can German Sprinter wear 3 jersey's? ๐Ÿ˜€๐ŸšดYes Florenz is the overall orange jersey leader and blue jersey Lap leader at USA crits Speedweek 2017 , Congrats to Florenz Knauer and team Stradalli - Safetti for 2 great races against fierce competition teams 

@stradalli @stradalli_cycle@stradallicycle @safettiusa @safetti@usacrits @nowhelmet @officialmetrx@prologo.official @fsa_road @uci@usacycling #cyclinglife #bikeracing#cycling #stradalli #stradalliteam#stradallicycle #critlife #crit #critracing#fun #carbonbike #bikeracing #bike#speedweek #champion #usa #procycling#cyclingnews @cyclingnews

Yuniet Del Toro Florida State Championship

YUNIET DEL TORO finished the day with a florida state championship jersey for team Stradalli cycle - Safetti clothing. Awesome bro congrats!

#stradallifamily @stradalli_cycle@stradallicycle @safetti @safettiusa#cyclingfamily #thankssomuch#stradalliteam #stradallicycle #cyclinglife#top #floridachampion #critchampion#cycling #bike #bikeracing #fun

Team Stradalli - Safetti Wins 2017 Belmont Crit

2nd day at USA crits speedweek 2017 these guys took the Win at Belmont Critrace so proud of all the hard work & thanks to all sponsors and supporters 

@stradalli_cycle @stradallicycle@safettiusa @safetti @fsa @fsa_road@officialmetrx @prologo.official@demonscycle @usacycling @usacrits@jaco @jaco_clothing #stradallifamily#critracing #crit #stradallicycle#stradalliteam #germanboys #cyclinglife#fun #cyclingfamily #usacrit #family#thankssomuch @aggroandy @florenz89@marcoraymond1003 @carlosloco86@jose_frank_rodriguez @pevcr@pestradalli @avcrater @john_butler1994@sebmorfin @ole @betocovarrubias94@yudto