The clocks fall back and we get an
extra hour of sleep but we also get night time much earlier than we want. Fall
and winter bring earlier sunsets and for those who ride their bikes that can
make things a little difficult. Riding your bike at night isn’t the same as
during the day as it is harder to see you and harder to see obstacles that may
be in your way. Here are some helpful tips on how to safely ride your bicycle at night from Stradalli Cycle.
Lights, lights and more: Get lights on your
bicycle. It’s smart, it helps you to see and be seen. You can get them for an
affordable price and you absolutely want to have more than one. You should have
a headlight with multiple settings so you can see as much as be seen. Then you
need a rear light that is red and blinks because that is more likely to be seen
by a car than anything else. If you can add small lights or reflectors to your
spokes that’s even better.
Plan your route: If you are used to riding a
specific route you may want to change things up now that it will be dark
earlier. Make sure that the route you are taking is well lit, maybe even light
in traffic to help reduce risk. If you can take side streets that are well lit
over a busy street that’s always a better way to go.
When in doubt stop: If you have the right away
don’t assume the car will stop. They may not see you or think you are stopping.
Either way it is always better to be cautious rather than risk it. Some of the
biggest problems come when the cyclist has the right away and a car makes a
turn. It happens so often and what you have to remember is to always assume the
car is not going to stop.
Always Alert, Always Aware: When you are riding your bicycle at night there are so many things you need to be aware of.
Potholes, debris, cars, other cyclists, people walking and anything else you
can think of that may cause you problems when you’re riding.
Dress for success: This isn’t just a slogan for
a job interview. If you want to have a safe bike ride at night it would be
smart to wear light colored clothes, maybe even reflective clothing. Remember
you are going to stand out more than your bike and any lights so the bigger
reflective area you can create the better.
Again the best way to ensure you
have a safe bike ride at night is to be cautious, make sure you are easy to see
and pick the safest route to take whether you are riding home from work or
training. Stradalli Cycle encourages all cyclists to be safe on the road during
the day as well as at night.